Head - Equities
Anoop Bhaskar has nearly three decades of rich experience in the Mutual Fund industry. He has a strong track-record covering equity research and fund management. Being relevant and flexible is as important to him, as having a well-defined framework for investment. Known to be a ‘bottom-up’ fund manager, he usually bets on companies offering higher return on capital employed and strong cash flows, amongst other factors.
Prior to joining IDFC AMC, Mr. Bhaskar was the Head of Equities at UTI AMC and was responsible for overall domestic equity fund management at the company. Before joining UTI AMC, Mr. Bhaskar worked with Sundaram Asset Management as Head-Equity. He has also worked with Kothari Pioneer, India’s first private sector mutual fund company, later acquired by Templeton Asset Management, as Senior Research Analyst. Prior to Kothari Pioneer, he has worked from 1990 to 1993 across financial services companies based in Delhi.
Bhaskar holds a B.Com (H) from SRCC, Delhi University and is a MBA in Finance from Symbiosis, Pune.